Give me liberty and give me death!
Give me liberty and give me death! The Mamas and the Papas were right. The darkest hour is just before dawn. Americans have generally behaved well during the initial stage of our “war” against the Coronavirus. But while the dawn may be breaking in...

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This is a sample blog, your actual blog will be posted soon. This is a sample blog, your actual blog will be posted soon.

This is a sample blog, your actual blog will be posted soon. This is a sample blog, your actual blog will be posted soon.

Spotting A Terrorist Bomber Among the Crowd
Spotting A Terrorist Bomber Among the Crowd Terrorist bombings are becoming more and more pervasive nowadays. In the United States, particularly, the terrorist attack of 11 September 2001 marked a dramatic escalation in a trend toward more destructive and...

The Art of Writing Action Scenes in a Novel
The Art of Writing Action Scenes in a Novel When people read a novel, they always find a reason to keep turning the pages. They look for something interesting about the story, so they can decide whether or not the novel is worth their time. To capture the interest of...

Al Qaeda, American Style
Al Qaeda, American Style I have just completed the second novel in what I call The Jungle Rules Trilogy . A More Perfect Union is the fictional account of a woman seeking revenge against white nationalist terrorists for killing her husband. The story is...

Fact and Fiction: The Essence of Writing a Novel Based on Reality
Fact and Fiction: The Essence of Writing a Novel Based on Reality The Jungle Rules trilogy by Paul Shemella is an action-packed set of novels about a retired SEAL officer who turned into a mercenary, Carl Malinowski. It contains a combination of fact and fiction, as...

The Contested Concept of Terrorism
The Contested Concept of Terrorism Paul Shemella is a retired Captain of the U.S. Navy SEAL who dedicated most of his military service to planning and executing counter-terrorism operations in regions like Latin America and Europe. Over the last decade, Paul Shemella...
Withdrawing from the World, or Not?
Withdrawing from the World, or Not? The United States is still the world’s only superpower. China is catching up fast, but it’s not there yet. Russia is just a gas station with nuclear weapons, and the European Union is in disarray. India and Brazil...
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