Jungle Rules Explained

Jungle Rules Explained I was first introduced to the term “Jungle Rules” as a young athlete.  Playing by these rules meant playing by no rules at all.  As a child, I pushed back against all rules, and roughness in sports seemed a natural way to win (and...

Christian Terrorists?

Now there’s an oxymoron!  How is it that a Christian (or any religious person) can justify using violence as a means to create a better world?  The “Christian Identity” movement reached a crescendo in the 1990s, but splinter groups still exist across the...

Novels About White Nationalist Terrorism

Americans, since 9/11, have become quite familiar with the threat of terrorism from fanatical Muslims around the world.  They are less knowledgeable—and the American government appears less concerned—about the terrorist threat from its own citizens.  For...

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